Unda Alta Watersports

Handmade Ski & Snowboard Services

From December until March
  • Ski (edges & base waxing): Chf 45.-
  • Snowboard (edges & base waxing): Chf 40.-
  • Base repairs: + Chf 20.-
Tel.: +41 (0) 78 723 64 34
Tangi Ski Service

  • St.Moritz

BY THE WAY, do you...

want to improve your skills on the slopes?

Suvretta Sports

Via Chasellas 1
CH-7500 St.Moritz
(+41) 81 836 61 61

suvretta sports

need new good skis?

Ski-shop by Marco Nussbaum
- handmade skis – sell & rent -

Via Cantonale 176
6573 Magadino
079 621 76 25

redwhite ski project
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